Course Content
UNDERSTANDING DOMESTICATION- COHERENT DELIVERY OF AGENDA 2063 STYIP Purpose of This Module: Domestication is the process of ensuring that Agenda 2063 STYIP and other development agendas are not just adopted but fully implemented across all levels of governance—local, national, regional, and continental. This module provides a structured understanding of domestication, highlighting:  Why domestication matters for Africa’s transformation.  The Theory of Change—how Moonshots, Pathways, and Enablers drive results.  How domestication integrates the SDGs and other development agendas.  The 3 Stages of Domestication (Deepen Awareness, Orient to Moonshot Thinking, Policy Support).  The 3 Phases of Domestication Support (Prepare, Engage, Follow-up).
Module 2: MAPS Lessons for Domestication of Agenda 2063 STYIP
Purpose: This module introduces the MAPS (Mainstreaming, Acceleration, and Policy Support) approach and its relevance to domestication. It draws direct parallels to the 3 Stages of Domestication and the 3 Phases of Support, providing participants with additional perspectives.
Purpose of This Module: This module introduces MAF as a structured approach to accelerate implementation by identifying and removing bottlenecks that hinder progress.
Module 5: Managing Domestication Support
Purpose: This module equips participants with the knowledge and tools to plan, deliver, and sustain effective domestication support to ensure the systematic alignment and execution of Agenda 2063 STYIP alongside the SDGs across all governance levels.
Module 6: Domestication Score – A Measurement Tool for Coherent Delivery
Purpose of This Module: This module introduces the Domestication Score as a structured tool for measuring how well Agenda 2063 STYIP is integrated and implemented at all governance levels. The score enables governments, RECs, and institutions to assess whether domestication efforts are on track, identify gaps, and adjust strategies accordingly.
Agenda 2063 Domestication alongside the SDGs to Drive Development Results at All Levels
About Lesson
  • Domestication drives Africa’s collective progress by turning continental commitments into results.
  • It ensures the coherent delivery of all elements of the Agenda 2063 STYIP Theory of Change to translate Africa’s shared vision into tangible outcomes.
  • It aligns multiple governance levels, making sure that development agendas reinforce rather than compete with each other.

💡 “Domestication ensures that we move from planning to transformation.”

Theory of Change: The Foundation of Domestication

  • Theory of Change explains how and why actions lead to expected results.
  • In Agenda 2063 STYIP, transformation happens when:
    • Interventions are delivered through 3 Pathways (Continental Frameworks, RECs, Development Plans).
    • Leveraging up to 10 Enablers (Finance, Knowledge, Governance, Coordination, Political will, etc.).
    • To achieve 7 Moonshots (Africa’s high-impact transformation goals).

💡 “Domestication ensures that all components of the Theory of Change function together.”

How SDGs and Other Development Agendas Fit into Domestication

  • The Moonshots align with SDG goals, meaning domestication serves both Agenda 2063 and SDGs.
  • The Pathways and Enablers remain the same for all development agendas.
  • Some agendas distinguish Pathways and Enablers differently, but the core structure remains universal.

💡 “Domestication ensures Africa’s collective progress while contributing to global goals.”

The 3 Stages of Domestication



1. Deepen Awareness

Build understanding of domestication and its role in governance.

2. Orient to Moonshot Thinking

Ensure national priorities align with transformative targets for the Interventions, Moonshots, Pathways, and Enablers.

3. Policy Support

Strengthen legal, financial, and institutional frameworks – rules of the game – for execution.


The 3 Phases of Domestication Support


Key Activities

1. Preparation

Country profiling, readiness assessments, stakeholder coordination.

2. Engagement

Political advocacy, technical workshops, roadmap development.

3. Follow-up

Monitoring, reporting, continuous technical support.

💡 “Domestication is a process, not an event—it must be continuously supported and adapted.”

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