Campuses of Excellence

Moonshots Campus

Focused on delivering Africa’s 7 Moonshots, this campus equips learners to achieve the bold, transformative outcomes of Agenda 2063:

Pathways Campus

Focused on unlocking the institutional and policy frameworks that deliver the Moonshots:

Enabler/Accelerator Campus

Focused on strengthening the capacities that power Africa’s transformation:

Premier Campus

Is focused on situating agenda 2063 within the efforts to transform the continent of Africa. It provides the background, introduces Agenda 2063, the 7 aspirations, and the 10 Year Implementation Plans. It also provides the lessons of the first decade and puts it into context.

Programmes Campus

Many of the players in Africa's development landscape work with programmes. For example, Countries now design their Development Plans both short term and long term as well as their corresponding budgets to deliver specific programmes. This campus focuses on sharpening the programmes' contribution to deliver Agenda 2063, the SDGs, as well as agendas of RECs, National and Local Authorities.

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